May 9, 2005


there is something about unseasonal rain that is always a bit relieving for me

not that I'm not excited about the summer...hell, I've practically bought a full spectrum of wifebeater tanktops and planned out half a dozen camping trips
anything to celebrate the ending of yet another year of seasonal depression (ahhh, SAD)

but still somewhere around now when the weather starts to get nice, but not too nice, and I am not yet comfortable with the 4 months of constant daylight and dry warmth we tend to have, I begin to feel uncomfortably antsy about getting out

and...well... GUILTY
just damn guilty about wanting to stay indoors and watch a movie or something
and I certainly feel a kind of pressure to be as sunny as the weather prompts

so it is sometimes a relief to look out the window, see weather circa 2 months ago, and feel perfectly justified in curling up on the couch with a weird ass scifi movie, a glass of wine or two, and some popcorn, and just enjoying being sheltered and quiet for a few more hours

1 comment:

Bjetsey said...

yeah, I know exactly how you feel about "taking advantage of the nice weather." I'm totally the same way.